The Fund

LSN Emerging Companies Fund offers investors exposure to a diversified portfolio of emerging companies.

The LSN Emerging Companies Fund (APIR: LSP6493AU) is available to wholesale investors on the following platforms:

  • LSN Emerging Companies Fund offers investors a portfolio of 30-50 quality emerging companies

  • The Fund is built using a robust stock selection process with a strong risk management framework

  • Fund size will be capped to a level which allows us to take advantage of all investment opportunities

  • LSN founders co-investment in the fund strongly aligns interests with investors.

  • Leading industry providers engaged for Custody, Registry, Compliance and Trustee services

  • The Fund is a unit trust available to Wholesale Investors who meet the definition as described under the Corporations Act (2001).


Manager LSN Capital Partners Pty Ltd (ABN 97 651 222 301) (AFSL:550265)
Trustee Currawong Fund Services Pty Ltd (AFSL No.341759)
Registry & Fund Administrator Link Fund Solutions
Custodian Link Fund Solutions
Fund Type Wholesale Unit Trust
Investment Objective The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index over the medium to long term (After fees)
Cash Holding No more than 20% on average.
Application/ redemption Daily if received prior to 2pm. Minimum $50,000 initial investment (unless otherwise agreed)
Platform access Wholesale access by a Netwealth, HUB24, PowerWrap
Unit pricing Daily
Benchmark S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index
Management fee 1.25% (excluding GST) on the net asset value of the fund paid monthly.
Performance fee 20% (excluding GST) of the total return of the fund in excess of the Benchmark over a quarterly performance period and provided any underperformance has been recovered.
Auditor Daniel Allison & Associates
Lawyer Nicholson Ryan Lawyers
Distributions Distributions will be made within two months of the end of each financial year. Distributions are generally reinvested in the Fund unless the client instructs otherwise.